Interesting Facts

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 12, 2016

Awesome facts you have never known before about Crocodiles


Even if you’re a zoology expert, this below article might be surprised you. These are some awesome information you have never known before about

1. The largest crocodile species is saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), encountered from India to northern Australia and Fiji. In can reach 7 m (23 ft) in length and 1 tonne in weight! At 5 m (17 ft) length, it already has 0.5 tonne!

Even so, a crocodile egg is no larger than that of a goose!

The smallest crocodile is the dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) from central Africa, which has a maximum length of 1.9 m (6.5 ft). It is more terrestrial than other crocodiles.

2. To "cry crocodile tears" is a common expression which is used for depicting fake sadness. That might be one of the most awesome animal facts you had no idea before.Crocodile skin is considered one of the finest and best, being soft and durable. In many tribal societies, skin crocodile is used as a symbol of high status. But only the skin on the belly has these qualities; the back skin is covered in bones (called osteoderms) that reflects arrows, spears and even bullets!

3. A crocodile skin purse can cost $ 15,000. The value of the crocodile skin has been fueling an intense poaching and today many of the 23 species of crocodiles and relatives are threatened, many populations being wiped out. The salvation of the crocodiles could come from the crocodile farms.

Brazilian poachers capture caymans during the night, by thrusting spears between their eyes (which can be easily spotted night, due to the shiny tapetum layer). The animals are brought into the boats and skinned alive.

4. Some populations venerated the crocodiles (like the ancient Egyptians). From some tribes in New Guinea, the crocodile is a totem god and those people make themselves crocodile-like body scarring, which is an extremely painful procedure.

In the case of Australian Aborigines, some tribes were expert in crocodile hunt, while for others the crocodile hunt was taboo.

5. Crocodiles display increased aggressiveness during the mating season (linked to the monsoon).

6. Each crocodile jaw carries 24 sharp teeth meant to grasp and crush, not to chew. That might be one of the most awesome random facts ever. Many times crocodiles stay on the river banks mouth wide open. That is not an aggressive posture, but a way to cool off: they sweat through the mouth!

8. The crocodiles have a four-chambered heart like in birds (their closest relatives) and mammals, for an active life. Still, when diving, the heart behaves like a three-chambered reptilian heart, enabling them to stay more underwater.

9. How can you make the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? If you are not accustomed to their shape, look at the mouth: crocodiles have a clearly visible the fourth tooth on the lower jaw even when the mouth is closed (alligators and caymans have a groove where that tooth fits). Because crocodiles have salt glands inside their mouths they can stand sea water, while alligators cannot. That's why many crocodiles species abound in mangroves and estuaries. Behaviorally, crocodiles are more active and more aggressive than alligators, and also less resistant to cold (alligators are found in subtropical areas, crocodiles not). Learn more about interesting science facts via our wide range of articles.

10. If you turn on a lantern at night in waters populated by crocodiles, you will see pairs of shiny red dots. These are the crocodiles' eyes which have a layer called tapetum behind their retina, containing crystals that reflect light and make possible the night vision.

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 11, 2016

Stay your dogs cool in hot weather


Stay your dogs cool in hot weather based on some tips in the below article and also check other science facts via our site.

  • Follow Fido's lead. "The No. 1 sign that a dog's core temperature is getting too high is fatigue," Hilden says. "If you're out for a hike with your dog on a hot day and he's searching for every shady spot to lie down in, turn around and carry him home." If you’re worried that he’s overheated, you can use a rectal thermometer to check his temperature when you get home, she adds.
  • Don't let the temperature fool you. Canines can get too hot in weather as low as 80 degrees. Add in humidity and exercise, and it could be a recipe for disaster. "If you can't comfortably sit outside for an extended period of time, then don't let your dog do it, either," Hilden says.
  • Change your walking time. Your buddy still needs activity in the summer, but it's best to avoid the hottest parts of the day. "Try going early in the morning or late at night after the sun has set," she says. Take a quick look at funny pics that can help you reduce stress quickly.
  • Don't give your dog a haircut. You may be tempted to shave your pup's thick hair in an effort to cool him off for the summer, but Hilden says it could do more harm than good. "A dog's coat provides a buffer to help him regulate his body temperature," she says. A trim won’t help him handle the heat. It could make him more likely to get a sunburn, too.
  • Don't use ice. If your dog shows symptoms of heatstroke, wet him down with room-temperature water and put him in front of a fan. "Your first instinct might be to pack ice packs around him or cool him off as quickly as possible, but the cold causes his blood vessels to constrict, and when they constrict they can't [get rid of] heat," she says. Call your vet and take your dog in right away for treatment. That might be one of the most awesome animals facts you had no idea before.

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 11, 2016

Awesome ostrich facts you have never known before about

Even if you’re a zoology expert, this below article might be surprised you. These are some awesome information you have never known before about Ostriches

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Ostrich

At 2.5 m (8 ft.) tall, the ostrich is the world’s largest and heaviest bird. Its significant weight, up to 145 kg (320 lb.), prohibits the bird from taking flight. But the ostrich has many unique abilities that make it well-adapted to living in the savanna, desert, and open woodlands of central and southern Africa.
Would you like to see some tiger facts in your freetime? I believe that that facts will be interested to you.

Amazing facts about ostriches

  • The flightless ostrich is the world's largest bird.
  • Ostriches have three stomachs.
  • Unlike all other living birds, the ostrich secretes urine separately from faeces.
  • Ostriches are the fast runners of any birds or other two-legged animal and can sprint at over 70 km/hr, covering up to 5m in a single stride.
  • Ostriches’ running is aided by having just two toes on each foot (most birds have four), with the large nail on the larger, inner toe resembling a hoof.
  • Ostriches’ wings reach a span of about 2 metres and are used in mating displays, to shade chicks, to cover the naked skin of the upper legs and flanks to conserve heat, and as "rudders" to help them change direction while running.
  • When threatened ostriches run although their powerful, long legs can be formidable weapons, capable of killing a human or a potential predator like a lion with a forward kick.
  • Ostriches normally spend the winter months in pairs or alone and during breeding season and sometimes during extreme rainless periods they live in nomadic ‘herds’ of five to 50 birds led by a top hen, that often travel together with other grazing animals, such as zebras or antelopes.
  • Territorial fights between males for a harem of two to seven females usually last just minutes, but they can easily cause death through slamming their heads into opponents.
  • Ostriches perform a complex mating ritual consisting of the cock alternating wing beats until he attracts a mate, when they will go to the mating area and he will drive away all intruders. They graze until their behaviour is synchronized, then the feeding becomes secondary and the process takes on a ritualistic appearance. The cock will then excitedly flap alternate wings again, and start poking on the ground with his bill. He will then violently flap his wings to symbolically clear out a nest in the dirt. Then, while the hen runs circle around him with lowered wings, he will wind his head in a spiral motion. She will drop to the ground and he will mount for copulation.
  • All of the herd's hens place their eggs in the dominant hen's 3m-wide nest, though her own are given the prominent centre place; each female can determine her own eggs amongst others.
  • The giant eggs are the largest of any living bird at 15cm long and weighing as much as two dozen chicken eggs, though they are actually the smallest eggs relative to the size of the adult bird.
  • The eggs are incubated by the dominant female by day and by the male by night, using the colouration of the two sexes to escape detection of the nest, as the drab female blends in with the sand, while the black male is nearly undetectable in the dark.
  • When the eggs hatch after 35 to 45 days incubation, the male usually defends the hatchlings and teaches them to feed, although males and females cooperate in rearing chicks.
  • Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand: the myth probably originates from the bird's defensive behaviour of lying low at the approach of trouble and pressing their long necks to the ground in an attempt to become less visible. Their plumage blends well with sandy soil and, from a distance, gives the appearance that they have buried their heads in the sand.
  • The Ostrich is farmed around the world, particularly for its decorative feathers and also for its meat which is marketed commercially and its skin is used for leather products.
  • Ostriches have inspired cultures and civilizations for 5,000 years in Mesopotamia and Egypt.
  • In some African countries, people race each other on the back of ostriches with special saddles, reins, and bits. Anyway, this may be one of the most fascinating animal facts until now
  • The wild ostrich population has declined drastically in the last 200 years, with most surviving birds in game parks or on farms.
  • Unlike most birds the males have a copulatory organ, which is retractable and 20 cm long.
  • Lacking teeth, ostriches swallow pebbles to grind their food and an adult ostrich carries about 1kg of stones in its stomach.
  • Ostriches can go without drinking for several days, using metabolic water and moisture in ingested roots, seeds and insects, but they enjoy liquid water and frequently take baths where it is available.
  • The ostrich has the largest eye of any land animal, measuring almost 5 cm across, allowing predators such as lions to be seen at long distances.
Those who loves to discover nature will not want to miss our wide range of factoflife articles.

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 11, 2016

A wide range of awesome facts about Guinea Pigs


 Here is a wide range of awesome facts about Guinea Pigs 

  • Guinea pigs are not actually pigs. They are rodents.
  • Guinea pigs will eat all day and night.
  • They are vegetarians and love green grass and vegetables. This might be one of the most interesting facts about Guinea Pigs 
  • When they sense their owner is nearby they will squeak to get their attention.
  • They are very social animals and love the company of others, even humans.
  • They do not bite in defence and will only bite because they think your hand is food.
  • They need a supplement of vitamin c as they do not produce it themselves.Guinea pigs love to be held as they love contact.
  • After they are born, male guinea pigs need to be taken away from their mother’s as they may try and mate with her after a month. Let’s discover some interesting science facts that will amaze you.
  • Although male guinea pigs are called boars and females are called sows, guinea pigs are actually rodents, and not related to pigs at all. They don’t come from Guinea either!
  • Guinea pigs are highly social. Wild ancestors live in groups with a dominant male. While in domestic environments, they become lonely and depressed if kept alone.
  • Young guinea pigs can run only 3 hours after being born.
  • Unlike other rodents, guinea pig pups are born with a full body of hair and their eyes open.
  • Although domestication has led to a reduction in brain size for guinea pigs, they are still just as smart as their wild relatives. They have excellent spatial orientation and are able to learn complex maze tasks using symbols as sign posts.
  • Guinea pigs do not have visible tails.
  • Gnawing is an essential behaviour for guinea pigs. This helps to wear off the tips of their incisors which grow continually throughout their lives. If they are not able to gnaw, the teeth will grow too long and they will be unable to eat.
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Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 11, 2016

Ten of the most amazing Beaver facts


Reading and enjoying these ten of the most amazing Beaver facts


Although they didn’t have the characteristic flat tail, giant beavers of the Ice Age, known as “Castoroides,” looked remarkably similar to their modern descendants—just much, much bigger. They grew to be up to 8 feet long and 200 pounds and lived a semi-aquatic life.


In fact, it’s sometimes used in vanilla flavorings. Castoreum is a chemical compound that mostly comes from a beaver’s castor sacs, which are located under the tail. It is secreted as a brown slime that's about the consistency of molasses and smells like musky vanilla. It’s an FDA-approved natural flavoring.


The world’s largest beaver dam stretches 850 meters deep in the thick wilderness of northern Alberta. It was discovered after being spotted on a satellite image in 2007, but scientists believe multiple generations of beavers have been working on the dam since the 1970s. Last September, explorer Rob Mark became the first person to ever reach the dam. Did you enjoy these animal facts?


Or at least they're monogamous. Dams are usually started by a young male looking for love or by a mated-for-life new couple. A whole beaver family will live in a single dam—mom, dad, young kids, and yearlings.


In 1948, new human inhabitants of western Idaho began to clash with the local beaver population. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game wanted to put these threatened beavers in a nearby protected area, but they didn't know how to get them there. Elmo Heter of Idaho Fish and Game devised an ingenious solution: By using surplus parachutes from World War II, the department could drop boxes of beavers down from planes. After some careful calibrations, 76 beavers made the skydive into the basin, and all but one survived the fall. Do you want to check out our long and rich source of tigers facts in your spare time?


This one may sound obvious, but up until the 1100s, people thought that beavers did. The myth originated in ancient Egypt and reappeared in the bestiaries of medieval Europe. The story went that beavers knew hunters were after them for the valuable castoreum oil in their testicles. This myth was not terribly difficult to disprove, largely because beaver testicles do not hang outside their bodies.


And not just because they have terrible dental hygiene. To gnaw through tree trunks, they need extra-strong teeth. Fortunately, their tooth enamel contains iron, which makes them incredibly strong, sharp, and orange. Because the orange enamel on the front of their teeth wears away more slowly than the white dentin on the back, a beaver’s teeth self-sharpen as he chews on trees.


Beavers build dams for a myriad of reasons, and one is so that the lake behind it will grow deep enough to ensure it doesn’t freeze all the way through during the winter. This bit of temperature control is especially crucial because beavers anchor a food cache to the bottom of the lake to serve as sustenance during the cold months.


A beaver’s oversized leathery tail, which can grow up to 15 inches long and six inches wide, has uses both on land and in the water. While swimming, the beaver uses his tail as a rudder or as a siren by slapping it against the water to warn other beavers of a predator. On dry land, the tail acts a prop to allow the beaver to sit upright or as a counterbalance so he doesn’t tip over while carrying heavy supplies in his teeth.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Beaver facts


Until recently, the last mention of a beaver sighting in England came in 1789 when a bounty was paid for a beaver head in Yorkshire. By that point, the once prolific beaver had dwindled due to over-hunting for their valuable pelts and medicinal glands. For several hundred years, the species disappeared from Great Britain, and it was assumed they’d gone extinct. Last year, a retired environmental scientist documented a family of beavers living near his home, but now the rodents are causing a controversy. Although beavers are also making a comeback on the continent—after numbers dwindled to just 1,200 the population is now estimated around 300,000—British officials are concerned the ecosystem has changed too much to accommodate them.

Just keep checking out our site everyday to get more updated news and information about everylife aspects as animal, plant or science facts and so on.

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 10, 2016

Some fun, little-known facts about balloons

Reading and enjoying these following facts about one of the most amazing science facts for your checking out on  balloons

Fact #1

Qualatex latex balloons are made from 100% natural latex — not plastic. Our latex balloons are biodegradable, and decompose as fast as an oak leaf in your backyard!

Fact #2

Before toy balloons were invented people inflated pig bladders and animal intestines.

Fact #3

The first rubber balloon was made by Professor Michael Faraday in 1824, out of two sheets of rubber whose edges were pressed together.

Fact #4

Pioneer manufactures nearly one billion Qualatex latex balloons per year.

Fact #5

Hot air balloon was the balloon to make the first recorded manned flight. It was made by the Montgolfier brothers and launched on 21 November 1783.

Fact #6

The first gas balloon ended up destroyed by terrified villagers, after it landed, who didn’t know what it was.

Fact #7

The first use of a balloon for military purposes was like an observation point. This is one of the most  amazing facts ever.

Fact #8

Solar balloons are a type of gas balloons that use air that is heated by the sun's radiation and in that way gain buoyancy. The first man to fly in a solar balloon was a Tracy Barnes on 1 May 1973.

Fact #9

The first living beings that flew in a balloon were a sheep called, a duck and a rooster. Sheep had a name Montauciel which means "Climb-to-the-sky".

Fact #10

Latex balloons are Earth-friendly! Rubber trees grow in rain forests. Latex harvesting discourages deforestation because latex-producing trees are left intact. A tree can produce latex for up to 40 years!

Check out for more cool, random, weird but true, crazy, fun, amazing facts, fact of life, fact of the day, and funny videos, video clips, funny pics, images, photos.

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 10, 2016

Uranus planet facts you have no idea about

How amazing it is! Let’s discover below random facts about Uranus planet facts you have no idea about:


Uranus cannot be seen from the Earth without a telescope.


The seventh planet from the Sun, it was not known in ancient times, unlike the planets fromMercury to Saturn.


Uranus was first seen by William Herschel in 1781 during a survey of the sky using a telescope. In 1782 George III appointed Herschel as Astronomer Royal. StartsWilliam Herschel was born in Hanover, Germany. He moved to England in 1757 in order to follow a career as a musician but after buying a book on astronomy he became interested only in watching the sky. 


Herschel also discovered 2 of Uranus moons with a larger telescope.


Uranus is one of the “gas giants”, the four outer planets which are entirely composed of gas,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.


Most of the centre of Uranus is a frozen mass of ammonia and methane, which gives it the blue-green colour. The atmosphere also contains hydrogen and helium.


Uranus orbits the Sun lying on its side and takes 84 years to complete one orbit. The Earth goes round the Sun in 365 days, one year.


Because Uranus is lying on its side as it orbits the sun, for nearly a quarter of its orbit one pole of the planet is in complete darkness. 


Uranus takes 17.9 hours to turn once on its own axis, faster than the Earth, which takes 24 hours and gives us the change from day to night.


Uranus was the ancient Greek God of the heavens whose sons were the Giants and Titans.


Not many of us knows science facts that Uranus is the smallest of the four “giants”, but is still several times larger than the Earth. It has a diameter of 29297 miles, or 47, 150 kilometres, compared to the Earth’s diameter of just under 8000 miles, or 12,760 kilometres. 


Uranus has a total of 27 moons, most of whom are named after characters in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The five major moons are called Titania, Oberon, Miranda, Ariel and Umbriel. Umbriel is not from Shakespeare but is the “melancholy sprite” in a poem by Alexander Pope.